Rain gutters are essential roofing components that require proper care and maintenance, just like the rest of the roof.

Unfortunately, many homeowners forget about timely gutter cleaning, or tending to other problems until their gutters become damaged.

Learn about some of the common issues gutter companies encounter and what can be done to prevent them, protect these important components, and keep them functional!

1. Clogged Gutters

The most common issue affecting rain gutters is clogging or blockages due to leaves, twigs, and other debris collecting in the gutters or downspouts.

Though this might seem like a superficial problem, gutters that back up and pool water could cause serious damage to the roof if the edges are submerged and the decking starts to absorb water.

Fortunately, gutter cleaning is easy to do and something that some capable homeowners can even handle on their own.

To keep gutters clean and functional, homeowners should have them cleaned out in early spring and late fall or whenever they fill up with leaves and debris.

2. Incorrect Slope

A crucial detail that helps gutters function correctly is their slope, which should angle slightly downward so water flows toward the downspouts.

Often, inexperienced or unqualified installers do not ensure proper slope, causing water to pool in corners and away from the downspouts, reducing gutter efficiency.

By hiring an experienced gutter company, homeowners can be sure their gutters are hung at the right slope, protecting their functionality.

Any gutters that exhibit this water pooling problem even though they are not clogged should be inspected and repaired, as improper slope is often the problem.

3. Sagging Gutters

Another common problem that can affect gutters that are poorly installed or lack maintenance is sagging.

Sagging happens when gutters lack structural support along their lengths, usually due to gutter damage, insufficient number of hangers to bear the weight of the gutters, or incorrectly installed hangers.

Regardless of the cause, components that sag will collect more debris and require more frequent gutter cleaning, pool water, and reduce gutter efficiency.

They may also sag to the point that the components separate or break.

Properly installed gutters should be straight and sturdy from the roof corners to the downspouts, with no sagging.

Homeowners noticing sagging should have their gutters repaired to restore them and prevent additional problems.

4. Holes, Leaks, and Other Damage

Functional, correctly sized, and installed gutters should never leak or spill over.

When leaks are noticed, either from perforations through the gutter material, in the corners, or wherever sections are joined together with fasteners, gutter repairs should be made.

These and other areas of damage can prevent gutters from working properly, cause debris to get caught more easily as well as clog the channels and downspouts, and cause damage to the roof and soffit due to leaking.

A professional gutter company can look for holes, dents, damaged fasteners, and gutter sections that are coming apart, repairing and restoring the gutter system so it works perfectly once more.

Schedule Gutter Services With An Experienced Gutter Company

The rain gutters along the edge of every roof are integral to roofing function and protection.

Keep them in great condition with correct installation by an experienced installer, frequent gutter cleaning and maintenance, and repairs when leaks and other problems arise.

A local gutter company can assist homeowners in choosing the right gutters for their homes and then ensure they remain functional and protective for years to come!

Need A Gutter Company in Beaumont Texas?

Contact High and Tight Roofing for All Gutter Work!

Call 409-908-3843 For A Gutter Quote Today!